From 2018. Posejdon kitesurfing and GIN kiteboarding start cooperation in Croatia.
All informations about GIN kitesurfing products, about prices and demo days, You can find out on our web page or just contact us.
Also , prices and terms about kitesurfschool or rent kitesurfing equipment You can find out here.

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All kitesurfing lessons are available in our kitesurfing center in Omis, Croatia, just 20 km away from Split.It is very suitable beach because of shallow water and nice wind that blows almost every day in summer times.
Our clients can choose model of kitesurfing lessons,individual or group lessons, but maybe the best is in group of 2 students.
Of course, the price of kitesurfschool depends of period and how many hours do You want to spent in kitesurfschool.

Thanks and see you on the beach!

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